Open Science and Research Assessment reform: key priorities in the next ERA Policy Agenda

On 28 February 2025, the European Commission (EC) adopted the proposal for a Council Recommendation on the European Research Area (ERA) Policy Agenda 2025-2027, reaffirming the central role of Open Science and research assessment reform to achieve Priority Area 1: Deepening a truly functioning internal market for knowledge.
The document was drafted in close coordination between the EC, Member States, Horizon Europe Associated Countries and European stakeholders, and serves as a strategic framework to foster collaboration among EU countries over the next three years. The proposal outlines 11 structural ERA policies, and 8 ERA actions, with additional details to be found in the Annex to the proposal.
The GraspOS project aims to support and foster Open Science-aware research assessment practices, and therefore aligns directly with the priorities set out in the new ERA Policy Agenda 2025-2027.
Making Open Science the ‘new normal’
The central role of Open Science in advancing the ERA reflects the EC’s commitment to improve knowledge sharing and transparency, and to build a more efficient and inclusive European Research and Innovation (R&I) system.
The ERA policy Enabling Open Science via sharing and re-use of data, including through the EOSC, seeks to ensure that Open Science practices become the ‘new normal’, by providing researchers with the necessary skills, tools and services to access and reuse publicly funded results, and with improved legal frameworks for open sharing, seamless access and reliable re-use of research data and outputs. Expected outcomes include better monitoring of Open Science policies, increased production of FAIR research data in Europe, and the development and uptake of the EOSC federation.
The ERA Action Equity in Open Science recognises that investment in (and access to) resources and infrastructures, as well as digital competencies and recognition and reward systems highly differ between countries and organisations across the globe, and addresses the need for more equitable approaches in the ERA. The aim is to build capacities in terms of Open Science skills and access to infrastructure, so that researchers across the ERA can equally benefit from high quality infrastructures, including not-for-profit open access scholarly publishing services and shared tools, training methods and services.
Supporting research assessment reform
The proposal highlights the EC’s commitment to supporting research assessment reform, with the ultimate goal of enhancing the quality, performance, and impact of research, making research careers more attractive. The ERA policy Reforming research assessment acknowledges that the current system heavily relies on publications and outdated indicators, limiting the recognition of diverse research contributions. The policy aims at supporting research assessment reform, by mapping changes made to national frameworks, changes implemented by research institutions, and changes expected from the action plans of the signatories of the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment, while also promoting mutual learning and sharing of best practices, toolboxes and recommendations for research assessment through events organised by the EC, the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) and Member States.
The proposal for a Council recommendation on ERA Policy Agenda 2025-27 underscores the commitment of EU institutions to supporting researchers and research institutions in the transition towards new ways of doing science and science evaluation. It is expected to be adopted by the EU Council in May 2025, under the Polish Presidency.