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The main goal of PathOS is to collect concrete evidence on the effects of Open Science and to study the pathways of Open Science practices, from input to output, outcome and impact, including consideration of enabling factors and key barriers.

Specifically, PathOS aims to: 

  1. Bring evidence to support a better understanding of the effects and implications of Open Science for science, economy and society.
  2. Provide recommendations to policy makers and other actors in the R&I ecosystem regarding how and to what extent Open Science should be promoted in a balanced way.
  3. Develop innovative tools and methods for Open Science impact indicators and Cost Benefit Analysis framework using big data for studying the causal effects of Open Science.

Mutual benefits

The work carried out in PathOS on the development and identification of comprehensive impact pathways for Open Science practices so as to incorporate them into impact indicators and registries is of particular interest for GraspOS. 

In that regard, collaboration with PathOS enables GraspOS to pilot and refine the tools developed in the project, focusing on broader research impacts, including scientific, social, and economic aspects. Additionally, GraspOS benefits from this for the development, assessment, and operation of an open and trusted federated infrastructure for next-generation research metrics and indicators, enhancing its data, tools, services, and guidance.

GraspOS contributes to the collaboration by providing PathOS with tools, services, and data to support the development of Open Science Pathways indicators. This collaboration leverages the GraspOS pilots and Community of Practice to improve the application and impact of these indicators.

In addition, GraspOS is integrating the PathOS Open Science Indicator Handbook into its services to help researchers envision the potential impacts of their work and guide funders in making long-term investment decisions. This approach aims to promote more open and responsible research practices by highlighting the long-term benefits and encouraging researchers to share their results more transparently.

Joint activities

GraspOS and PathOS projects share relevant subjects and objectives, hence, their consortia are constantly exploring ways and opportunities to collaborate, including through joint meetings and events.

The joint activities which have already taken place are listed below. 


  • Joint workshop with EU projects OPUS and PathOS at the Open Science FAIR conference: Monitoring Open Science in the context of incentives and rewards for Open Science, 25 September 2023, Madrid. The presentation is available on Zenodo.