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National Research Organisation

About This Pilot

In 2022, the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) approved the "Relaunch Plan," which includes reforming the research assessment system. In November 2022, CNR also signed the CoARA agreement, and as per its declared commitment, the whole apparatus and processes for rewarding career progressions of CNR researchers and technologists are deemed to change. 

Consequently, the call for career progression announced in 2023 should embody the core principles promoted by the agreement.

Goals & links to GraspOS

  • Analyse the current evaluation criteria and those applied in the last call (2020) and assess how the first take a step away from the previous;
  • Map CNR's assessment design against the GraspOS federated infrastructure and understand how this could benefit the procedure (e.g., Openness profiles, integration with the OpenAIRE Graph and other diverse kind of evidence, novel indicators);
  • Liaise with CNR direction to provide recommendations and engage with the scientific base to understand how the ongoing reform is perceived.
Francesca Di Donato

Organisations Involved