GraspOS Landscape Survey on Reforming Research Assessment

The purpose of this survey is to gain overview of the state-of-the-art research assessment practices at the research performing and funding organisations, and other organisations involved with research assessment, who already are, or could become, signatories of the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment.
The survey is conducted by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV) for the Landscape analysis of EU project GraspOS. The landscape report supports the development of Open Science Assessment Framework (OSAF).
The questionnaire is structured based on CoARA core-commitments and principles. The Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment sets a shared direction for changes in assessment practices for research, researchers and research performing organisations, with the overarching goal to maximise the quality and impact of research. The Agreement includes the principles, commitments and timeframe for reforms and lays out the principles for a Coalition of organisations willing to work together in implementing the changes.
Signatories commit to a common vision, which is that the assessment of research, researchers and research organisations recognises the diverse outputs, practices and activities that maximise the quality and impact of research. This requires basing assessment primarily on qualitative judgement, for which peer-review is central, supported by responsible use of quantitative indicators.
We invite the representatives of the organisations that are or could become signatories of the Agreement of Reforming Research Assessment to respond to the questionnaire by May 28th, 2023.
Answering the survey takes around 20 to 30 minutes. If you want to take a look at the survey or ask your colleagues for advice, you can download the questionnaire here in word-format.
The mission of the project is to enable a rewards and recognition system based on a new generation of (qualitative or quantitative) metrics and indicators, leading to a culture and system change that increases the quality and impact, the creativity and the transparency of and trust in science, and to establish a system of qualitative information based on community-led curation and annotations of research outcomes that feeds into a revamped rewards and recognition system.
GraspOS develops, assesses and puts into operation an open and trusted federated infrastructure for next generation research metrics and indicators, offering data, tools, services and guidance to support and enable policy reforms for research assessment at three levels: individual/group, institutional, country.
The project is coordinated by Athena Research Center (Greece) and brings forward a multidisciplinary consortium including CNR, CSC, EGI, CWTS Leiden, INRAE, INRIA, OpenAIRE, OPERAS, TSV, UNIBO and Utrecht University.
The survey is conducted and analysed by a working group including Janne Pölönen, Anna-Kaisa Hyrkkänen, Dragan Ivanović and Marita Kari.
If you have any questions you may contact:
Anna-Kaisa Hyrkkänen
Coordinator, Responsible Assessment & GraspOS
Federation of Finnish Learned Societies
Janne Pölönen
Head of Planning of Publication Forum
Federation of Finnish Learned Societies