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Working Group

Horizon Europe Communication and Engagement Working Group


The main aim of the Horizon Europe Communication and Engagement Working Group (C&E WG) coordinated by the EOSC Association is to ensure alignment between Horizon Europe projects contributing to EOSC. 

Specifically, the goals of the C&E WG are to: 

  1. Strengthen collaborations and engagement with stakeholders of the EOSC ecosystem.
  2. Foster synergies and knowledge dissemination between EOSC-related Horizon Europe projects.
  3. Establish the EOSC Forum where information is exchanged about the organisation of events and consultations in which EOSC actors participate.

The C&E WG brings together the Communication Officers of Horizon Europe projects in monthly online meetings, providing the opportunity for GraspOS to connect with other Horizon Europe projects, and to participate in joint activities. 

Mutual Benefits

Being part of this WG brings several benefits for GraspOS, the members of the C&E WG, and for the EOSC Association at large.

Firstly, it enables GraspOS to be part of a coordinated network of projects related to the EOSC, ensuring clear integration into the EOSC ecosystem, particularly from a communication and stakeholder engagement perspective. Additionally, it allows GraspOS to leverage Horizon Europe projects' target audiences and networks for specific outreach and communication activities. GraspOS also has access to the EOSC forum, where project related news to be included in the EOSC newsletter are shared.

Through its participation in the C&E WG, GraspOS regularly informs the WG members of latest advancements in the project, enabling all interested parties to take part in events and consultations. GraspOS also supports the WG members in their communciation efforts by sharing relevant information with its stakeholders. 

Finally, GraspOS participates in the Macro-Roadmap for the implementation of EOSC by providing input on the project's key results, and regularly promotes relevant EOSC information to its stakeholders.

Joint activities

Through the organisation of joint activities, our aim is to enhance recognition and awareness of the GraspOS project, its aims and ongoing activities in the EOSC ecosystem, and to build synergies with other INFRAEOSC projects. 

The joint activities which have already taken place are listed below. 


  • EOSC Collaborative Frontiers to Achieve Interoperability and Enhance Scholarly Data, 22 October 2024, EOSC Symposium 2024. 
    GraspOS will participate in the EOSC Symposium 2024 in an Unconference session jointly organised with Horizon Europe projects SciLakeFAIRCORE4EOSC and OSTrails

Collaboration activities

Macro-Roadmap for the implementation of EOSC in which GraspOS results are included.