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OPUS is a Horizon Europe Coordination and Support action project focusing on developing measures to reform the assessment of research(ers). 

The project is developing a researcher's framework which GraspOS would like to take into consideration for the implementation of certain components of the Open Science Assessment Framework (OSAF) and of GraspOS services, tools, and data for research assessment support.

Collaboration with OPUS will help avoid duplication of efforts and will ensure that the potential for aligning towards complementary outcomes is exploited.

Joint activities

The consortia of both projects, recognising the relevance of their respective subjects, have agreed to collaborate in various ways. This collaboration entails organising joint meetings and events, as well as exchanging early results.

The joint activities which have already taken place are listed below. 


GraspOS and OPUS joint knowledge-exchange webinar to disseminate the GraspOS landscape survey on OS-aware RRA approaches.


  • Joint session at the EOSC Symposium 2023 in a roundtable on Research Assessment together with the EU Commission and EOSC-Aassociation: EOSC Contributions to Research Assessment, 21 September 2023, Madrid.  The presentation is available on Zenodo.
  • Joint session at the STI 2023 conference: Special Session: Evaluation at the interface of Open Science and Responsible Research Assessment, 28 September 2023, Leiden. The presentation is available on Zenodo.
  • GraspOS representatives participated in a panel discussion on the future of research assessment atKRECon 2023in collaboration with OPUS: KRECon 2023, the future of research(er) assessment, 10 November 2023, Prague.


Joint workshop with OPUS and PathOS projects at the Open Science FAIR conference:  “Monitoring Open Science in the context of incentives and rewards for Open Science”, 25 September 2023, Madrid. 

Collaboration activities

GraspOS representatives have thoroughly examined the deliverables of the OPUS projects to provide feedback, mitigate redundancies between the two projects, and capitalise on existing work synergies.