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Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information


The Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information aims to promote openness of research information, that is, information about publications, data, software, and other research outputs, as well as information about research funding and grants, and information about research organisations and research contributors.

The Declaration was prepared by a group of over 25 research information experts, representing organizations that carry out, fund, and evaluate research, as well as organizations that provide research information infrastructures. 

Mutual Benefits

The collaboration between GraspOS and the Barcelona Declaration Initiative offers shared benefits. GraspOS focuses on responsible research assessment based on open research information, making the transition from closed to open research information advocated by the Barcelona Declaration of crucial importance for the project. GraspOS also supports the Barcelona Declaration Initiative by promoting the Declaration and by providing concrete examples of positive outcomes which can be realised by transitioning from closed to open research information.

This collaboration is expected to yield to following outcomes:

  • Increase the visibility of the Barcelona Declaration among organisations interested in research assessment reform, such as the members of the GraspOS consortium and the members of CoARA.

  • Provide a number of concrete examples of research organisations that have managed to reform their research assessment practices through the use of open research information.

Joint activities

The collaboration between GraspOS and the Barcelona Declaration Initiative is driven by their shared commitment to promoting open research practices. 

The joint activities which are planned to, or have already taken place are listed below. 

Collaboration Activities

  • Include the Barcelona Declaration in the conversations taking place in the GraspOS community of practice.
  • Include GraspOS activities in the roadmap for open research information that is currently being developed in the context of the Barcelona Declaration.